I’m Sam Stone, the Lightkeeper – You are the light, and I’m the keeper! 🙂

Jesus said you are the light of the world. That means your life is never satisfied until you shine your brightest. Unfortunately, we live in a fallen world with dark forces to keep our light dim. So, you must habitually tune your light to maintain your peak performance state.

I’ve discovered that you need only TRHEE things to thrive in this messy world: IQ, EQ, and SQ. Over two decades of research and experiments, I have discovered a highly effective process of self-cultivation to self-actualization by optimizing one’s IQ, EQ, and SQ.

Our new Spiritual Fitness program is simple, comprehensive, and effective in helping you attain and maintain your peak performance state for sustainable success without getting sabotaged by the dark forces of chronic stress, anxiety, and disappointments of life.

Contact me if you are interested.


Optimize Your IQ (Intelligent Quotient)

The state of your IQ depends on the way you breathe, eat, and rest. You may have a high IQ, but if you are undisciplined in the way you breathe, eat, and rest, your IQ will not perform at its optimal state. You will learn 3 spiritual disciplines: Consciousness (Breathing), Abandonment (Fasting), and Rebirth (Resting).


Optimize Your EQ (Emotional Quotient)

If you want to win bigger, you need to win with people. Your EQ is your currency to win friends and influence people. To optimize your EQ, you must refine your integrity, mercy, and purity of heart. You will learn the next 3 spiritual disciplines: Edification (Integrity), Forgiveness (Mercy), and Refinement (Purity).


Optimize Your SQ (Spiritual Quotient)

Your SQ infuses you with the meaning of life and resilience to sabotage. SQ gives you a calling to be a peacemaker, hope beyond this fallen world, and happiness even in trying times. Here, you will learn the last 3 spiritual disciplines: Enlightenment (Peacemaking), Endurance (Hope), and Gratitude (Happiness).



I hope everyone is safe and sound after the two earthquakes on Friday. Even though it was only 4.8 magnitude, for those born and raised on the East Coast, that was the strongest earthquake they had ever experienced in their lifetime. So, some were extremely shaken by the experience. Pun intended! Paul said, Therefore, since…

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Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! What is more important for your quality of life, happiness or freedom? Many of you know I pursue happiness because I lost my happiness due to some unpleasant childhood events. However, some philosophers and thought leaders argue that freedom is more important than happiness. https://youtu.be/14hoSDqv3P4?si=RruZtxO41xMgreCz Immanuel Kant emphasizes…

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I know the title is a little ambitious, but this message is not about me teaching you how to know everything but exploring together the secrets of discernment taught by Jesus Christ. Just as physicists have been trying to figure out the theory of everything, religions and philosophies try to discover the knowledge of everything….

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Are you joyful this morning? Jesus expects us to live our lives in complete joy. That’s the outcome he expects from us. He said, “I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” (John 15:11). The question is, how do we maintain…

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I was fascinated by a chapter titled “Perfect Happiness” or “Ultimate Joy” in the Book of Zhuangzi, my favorite philosopher of the 4th century BCE. Zhuangzi was a hilarious sage, and, like Jesus, he used parables and fables to explain the metaphysical reality and spiritual truth. Zhuangzi sang at his wife’s funeral, which was entirely…

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When I first came to New York City, I was surprised to see the garbage bags and trash cans piled up on the sidewalks all over the city in the evening. It just happened to be one of those days of the week you take your trash out. But it didn’t look like the New…

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Only a cultivated life bears fruit;
Only a fruitful life is worth living!