There was a woman who was diagnosed with a terminal illness. The doctor gave her three months to live. She had a gift of evangelism and always loved sharing her faith. But now, realizing that her life was cut short, she decided to use her funeral as her final opportunity to share her faith.
She gave her pastor her funeral plan, which included singing her favorite hymns and reading her favorite scriptures. She also wanted to be buried with her favorite Bible next to her.
Then she took out a silver fork and asked the pastor to make sure that she had the fork in her hand when they laid her in the casket.
Surprised by her request, the pastor asked why she wanted to be buried with a fork. The woman explained, “Each time I was at a dinner party, the servers would come to clear the plates after the meal. I would give them everything, but every now and then, they would say, ‘Ma’am, please keep your fork.’ I knew right away that they were serving dessert. The best is yet to come!
“So, I just want people to see me in that casket with a shiny fork in my hand, and I want them to wonder, ‘What’s with the fork?’ I want them to know my life doesn’t end here and now. The best is yet to come. This will be my final opportunity to share my faith so my friends can join me in the eternal carnival with Christ with never-ending celebration and joy!
“So, pastor, I want you to be my voice. When they see the fork in my hand and ask a question like the one you asked me. I want you to tell them that it means my life does not end here and now. The best is yet to come because of the grace of Christ, and I want them to enjoy the same future as I do.”
Sure enough, as the pastor stood next to the casket, one after another who came to view her for the final time asked the same question. He answered them individually and included the story in his funeral sermon to let everyone know that the fork in her hand meant the best was yet to come.
(End of the story.)
Despite all the ups and downs, tears, and toils, life is still pretty fun! No one wants to die except in extreme cases. Most people fear death because they think the end of life is also the end of fun.
We fear the unknown and the uncertain. Who knows what’s on the other side of death? A few books have been written by those who have died and returned, but we take them with a grain of salt because they are anecdotal.
What if life after death is a never-ending banquet or carnival, where there’s no tear, no pain, no sickness, but eternal love, joy, and peace? If so, is it available for everyone? If not, how do we ensure we will have it? Can we also have a foretaste of it?
Yes, Jesus has given us a foretaste of eternal joy. Based on this week’s scripture lesson, you and I will taste it today. Let’s begin!
The scripture lesson for today is from the Gospel According to John 2:1-11. [Listen to the Word of the Lord!]
On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 2 Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. 3 When the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” 4 And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what concern is that to you and to me? My hour has not yet come.” 5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
6 Now standing there were six stone water jars for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons. 7 Jesus said to them, “Fill the jars with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. 8 He said to them, “Now draw some out, and take it to the chief steward.” So they took it.
9 When the steward tasted the water that had become wine, and did not know where it came from (though the servants who had drawn the water knew), the steward called the bridegroom 10 and said to him, “Everyone serves the good wine first, and then the inferior wine after the guests have become drunk. But you have kept the good wine until now.”
11 Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him. (John 2:1-11).
[Blessed are those who delight in God’s Word. Thanks be to God!]
This passage tells the story of Jesus’ first miracle, recorded in John’s Gospel. This miracle is very different from others in that most miracles are about Jesus helping the poor, the sick, and the suffering. This miracle, however, is about a wedding banquet of a wealthy family. It intends to deliver a unique message, “The best is yet to come.”
The arrival of Jesus is God’s plan to extend your joy from now to eternity. If you know the best is yet to come, death is no longer feared. Jesus revealed this truth through the miracle of wine in today’s passage.
According to the Bible, wine is a symbol of joy. It’s a gift from God for our pleasure, to be enjoyed responsibly. Most of you know that I don’t drink. I had enough of my drunken days during my youthful years. However, the Bible says that wine is God’s gift for our pleasure. Psalm 104 says,
“You cause the grass to grow for the cattle,
and plants for people to use,
to bring forth food from the earth,
and wine to gladden the human heart …” (Ps 104:14–15a).
It says God provides wine to gladden your heart. So, when Mary came to Jesus and said, “They have no wine,” it meant, “They have no joy.” The fun of the party is about to be abruptly interrupted.
A Chinese idiom says, “There’s no never-ending feast (天下沒有不散的筵席).” This story seems to remind us that there’s no never-ending wine or there’s no never-ending joy in human life.
Human joy is fleeting. No matter how much money you have or how much power you hold, you cannot create lasting joy. Sophie put an orchid plant in front of my office. I watered it faithfully and enjoyed the incredible beauty of the blossoms, but they faded away sooner or later. That’s life!
The first-century Jewish wedding lasts about a week. The groom’s family must prepare enough wine to ensure the joy of the celebration is not interrupted as long as the wedding lasts. It’s embarrassing for the groom if the wine runs out because it means the joy runs out.
The running out of wine also serves as an omen that these newlyweds could run out of joy. It also symbolizes that the groom is not intelligent or diligent enough to plan and prolong the joy of this marriage. So, culturally, it was a serious sign of failure.
That’s why Mary came to report the crisis, “They have no wine.” Mary and Jesus were just guests at this wedding, but Jesus sensed his mother was not just relaying the news but requesting action. So, Jesus said, “It’s none of our business. They have no wine, so what?”
Then, Jesus added, “If I did something abnormal, my identity would be exposed, and I could risk getting killed before my time.” That’s what he meant by saying, “My hour has not yet come.”
It’s not yet time for Jesus to reveal his divinity. Don’t you find it odd that this world cannot handle the presence of God, who loves the world and wants to extend its joy? Our world seems too dark to welcome the light. As John says in the first chapter, Jesus
“The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.” (Jn 1:9).
Jesus knew the dark world would put him down immediately when he revealed his light. He needed time to train some disciples and prepare the good news to take root before letting the dark elements crucify him.
Interestingly, Mary’s response sounds a little puzzling to the readers. Jesus refused her request, but she turned around and told the servants to do what Jesus told them as if she knew Jesus would fulfill her request.
Mary’s request teaches us a profound lesson about prayers. Mary asked and then immediately acted as if her prayer was fulfilled. Even though she did not know how it would be fulfilled, she prepared to receive the outcome.
There are many examples of prayers in the Bible, but we are learning from the mother of Jesus here. She gave birth and raised Jesus Christ. Jesus was about thirty years old then, and she knew very well how to ask him and what to expect from him.
This is Mary’s secret to prayers: We must ask and behave as if our wish is fulfilled. Wayne Dyer wrote a bestseller, “Wishes Fulfilled,” about praying and acting as if your wishes are fulfilled. Mary exemplified this prayer of faith here.
What’s extraordinary about this request is that she ignored Jesus’ excuse. Jesus said, “My hour has not yet come.” God has a schedule, a plan, and a timetable. However, Mary ignored it, and Jesus broke his schedule.
Mary seemed to believe that since God made the plan, God could change it. Our job is to submit the request and wait for the outcome. How it is done is God’s problem, not ours.
Mary’s request was not against Jesus’ will; it was only against Jesus’ timing. Jesus’ will is to provide infinite joy to people, and Mary knew this, so she was confident that Jesus would fulfill her wish.
We see Jesus modify his plan, risking his life to answer Mary’s prayer. In fact, he gave Mary more than she asked for. With this miracle, Jesus reveals what God has in store for you.
1. The Best
First, God has the best in store for you.
Jesus asked the servants to fill the six stone jars the Jews used for purification rites. They filled them to the brim, and then Jesus asked them to draw some out and take it to the steward. The steward was shocked to find the wine top-quality—Château Margaux.
Astonished by the quality of the wine, the steward ran to the groom and said,
“Everyone serves the good wine first, and then the inferior wine after the guests have become drunk. But you have kept the good wine until now.” (Jn 2:10).
In other words, he says, “You didn’t tell me that the best is yet to come.” The groom seemed oblivious. It was not just wine, but heavenly wine touched by the divine hands. Of course, it was good!
In fact, it was the best. It means what God wants to give us is better than we even know how to pray for. Sometimes, we ask God for the solution we want, but God has something much better in store for us.
2. Abundance
It was more than good; it was plenty! The Bible says each jar holds 20 to 30 gallons. Can you imagine Jesus making nearly 180 gallons of wine at a moment?
The best is not just yet to come but to come abundantly!
After the wedding, the bride and groom could open a famous wine store and make a good living since everyone knew after this banquet that this family had the best wine. Just a thought!
You know, good wine can be used as yeast to make unlimited wine. This groom could provide his family and the community a lifetime of joy. Jesus said,
“I came so that you (they) may have life and have it abundantly.” (Jn 10:10b).
Our prayers are often too small for what God has in store for us. God wants to give you the best in abundance. Mary didn’t know what Jesus would do, but her action tells us that she was expecting the best in abundance.
3. Everlasting
The third message of the miracle is that what God gives you is not only the best in abundance but also everlasting. Sure, we don’t have an everlasting feast in this life, but Jesus reveals to us that it is what God has in store for us.
Jesus risked his life to fulfill Mary’s request to prolong the joy of the party. The miracle was done discreetly, so only the disciples knew what really took place.
This miracle is the prelude to what the disciples would learn at Jesus’ last supper. Jesus associates the wine with his blood, saying,
“Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” (Mt 26:27–28).
Our joys don’t last because of human sins. Once you are forgiven, you are set free to eternal joy. Sin means “missing the mark.” The groom missed the mark for not preparing enough wine, but Jesus forgave him at Mary’s request. In the same way, you can ask Jesus to forgive those you care.
Just as he used the purification jars to turn the water into wine, Jesus used his blood to purify us and transform us from sinners to saints. The sacramental wine you drink serves as yeast that turns you into the wine of heaven for others to taste. That’s your service. (Remember, we discussed pleasing God by serving people last week. You can review it online.)
As a forgiven follower of Christ, you become a foretaste of heaven for others. You are the best wine on earth, just as you are the light of the world and salt of the earth. Just as wine comes out of the blood of grapes, your wine is your sacrificial service from your blood, sweat, and tears. Then Jesus said,
“I tell you, I will never again drink of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.” (Mt 26:29).
Jesus made an enormous amount of wine at that wedding to symbolize the everlasting messianic banquet in heaven, at which we will all one day join him and the Father. The best is yet to come!
Let’s populate that eternal banquet with your service, demonstrating to everyone that “The Best is Yet to Come!”
Until we meet again, keep your light shining brighter and broader and harvest the fruit of profound felicity, freedom, and fulfillment.
Bye now!